FIELD: spacecraft attitude control systems operated by force gyroscopes. SUBSTANCE: maximum duration of attitude-hold mode for a given flight time aimed at fulfillment of the nominal flight programme is achieved by varying the value of angular momentum vector stored in the force gyroscope system by spacecraft attitude control at the flight portions between zones of dynamic tests and at the flight portions within overlapping dynamic tests zones. The varying of angular momentum vector value is aimed at providing the best, in terms of following attitude control regimes, initial conditions with the respect to
. It allows to reduce the spacecraft re-orientation time at the flight portions within overlapping dynamic tests zones thus increasing the test time itself. At the flight portions between zones of dynamic tests it allows to obtain minimal accumulated values of
thus enlarging the available values of
for the test that follows and increasing the test duration till the force gyroscope system is "saturated". EFFECT: increased duration of attitude- hold mode. 14 dwg