FIELD: control over technological processes, for instance, burning of fuel in steam generator with supply of air with preservation of steam pressure across outlet of the latter. SUBSTANCE: in agreement with proposed method flow rate of one of reacting components is controlled by parameter characterizing product of reaction. This component is driving one. Parameter is so chosen that it unambiguously changes with excess of other (driven) parameter. In case of insufficient flow rate of driven component this parameter falls even under excess of driving component. Increments of driven component are proportional to increment of driving component even if this parameter is below the norm and are related in equivalent units as . Increments of driven component with values of parameter above the norm are related to increments of driving parameter as
, where N is equivalent value of step of driving component expressed in units of natural series. If operational mode of object is extremely unstable it is desirable to execute two skips of step (second and third). EFFECT: improved reliability of control. 1 dwg