FIELD: decorative art. SUBSTANCE: decorative wall panel has at least a single base divided on the surface into two regions, the first of which is made as a combination of information pictures, and the second one - as a combination of decorative-information elements and pictures. Geometric configuration of the regions is determined by the relation between their minimum (L1) and maximum (L2) dimensions passing through their geometric centers within $$$, and by the relation between areas S1 of the first and S2 of the second regions within $$$. Positioned on the surface and/or in the volume of the second region are flat and/or bossy decorative-information background and combination of n1 within $$$ decorative-information elements and/or pictures for their movement and/or without movement relative to the base and/or relative to one another. EFFECT: enhanced quality. 3 cl, 7 dwg, 1 tbl