FIELD: agriculture, agrochemistry. SUBSTANCE: agent for plant treatment is produced by isolation from semiproduct of biological raw. The latter has arachidonic and/or eicosapentaenoic acid as the main component. Agent is produced by saponification of raw semiproduct with alkaline metals and/or ammonium hydroxides and addition of additional components for the end product preparing. The end product has arachidonate and/or eicosapentaenate of alkaline metals and/or ammonium and ascorbic acid as an antioxidant. Obtained agent is used for producing the plant growing production during storage and/or presowing treatment of seeds and/or vegetating plants to stimulate immunity to phytopathogenic organisms and regulate the growth. Invention ensures to obtain an agent for plant treatment in water-soluble form. EFFECT: simplified technology of preparing, prolonged storage time, decreased consumption. 3 cl