FIELD: sportive and medical equipment. SUBSTANCE: exerciser has frame mounted on supports provided with sides serving guides for displacement and retaining of roll in predetermined position. Rear part of frame is made in the form of guide carrying seat and shin fastening mechanism. Rotary mechanism is pivotally connected for performing longitudinal and circular motions. Guides of adjustable length are mounted on shaft of rotary mechanism. Roll is disposed in guide ends. L-shaped drive lever is positioned on one shaft side extending beyond user bench. Fasteners for retaining of head and armpit regions of user's body are positioned in front part of frame. Rear part of frame may be moved lengthwise by spring-loaded retaining lever. User receiving bench may be formed from transverse planks interconnected by flexible connections. Longitudinal flexible guide may be mounted on user receiving bench. Longitudinal guide has cross section with two oval-shaped projections spaced by distance of 1-2 cm. Exerciser of such construction may be used for exercising and curing of spine. EFFECT: increased efficiency and simplified construction. 3 cl, 4 dwg