FIELD: TV equipment. SUBSTANCE: color test TV table ITM-02-97 consists of five lines, first of which has white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue and black strips. Next lines of table are designed as bar code images of four groups, each of which has black and white bars. Other lines contains bars of saturated color (main color and its complement): green and magenta, red and cyan, blue and yellow. Color test TV table ITM-06-98 contains groups of alternating bars of saturated colors, which are designed as two horizontal and two vertical wedges, which are split by means of black and white wedge-shaped regions. One vertical wedge and one of horizontal wedges is designed as several saturated red color strips, which are separated by means of saturated blue color strips. Second group of vertical and horizontal wedges consists of several cyan color strips, which are separated by wedge-shaped strips of saturated yellow color. Table also has continuous non-linear scales for testing resolution within 30 to 240 television lines. IT also contains intermediate values 45, 60, 90, 120 and 180 television lines and two regions of bar code images, each of which has six bar code images, which have 35, 45, 60, 75, 100, 120 television lines. One region is designed as bar code images of saturated red color on background saturated cyan. Second region is designed as saturated blue bar code images on background saturated yellow. This results in possibility design color text TV tables, which can test horizontal and vertical resolution of color TV cameras as well as complex of TV circuit members, such as video recorder, mixer, encoder, and so on, up to TV path in general, including TV set. EFFECT: increased functional capabilities. 2 cl, 2 dwg