FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves applying sequential kinesthetic examination of cutanosubcutaneous folds in transverse direction above the bone structure projections to which muscles are attached that cover superior aperture of the chest and forming breathing and pelvic diaphragm. A cutanosubcutaneous fold is moved beginning from the right subclavicular area to the left one and/or along intercostal spaces. Edematous, painful folds connected by commissures to underlying tissues being found, spasm of muscles compressing thoracic and right lymphatic ducts at the place they join subclavicular veins, metabolic, structural functional disorders in internal organs of the chest and overload of their lymphatic system are considered to take place. Next to it, cutanosubcutaneous fold is moved in the projection of breathing diaphragm from the vertebral column to the xiphoid process. Edematous, painful folds connected by commissures to underlying tissues being found, spasm of the diaphragm and metabolic and structural functional disorders in the visceral organs in the abdomen and overload of their lymphatic system are considered to take place. The examination is finished with moving the cutanosubcutaneous fold in the projection from the vertebral column to the symphysis. Edematous, painful folds connected by commissures to underlying tissues being found, spasm of pelvic diaphragm and metabolic and structural functional disorders in the small pelvis organs are considered to take place. Flexibility of the cutanosubcutaneous folds above the bone structure projections to which muscles are attached that cover superior aperture of the chest and forming breathing and pelvic diaphragm, good motility relative to the underlying structures, no painfulness being found, normal metabolic processes in the organs are considered to take place. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of method.