FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves preliminarily determining ciliary sulcus projection on the sclera and making penetrating scleral incisions at VI to XII o'clock position of 1 mm in length positioned 1 mm upper and below the limbus. Microneedle having ear in the vicinity of its tip is introduced through scleral incision at VI o'clock position. Thread attached to one of the lens-supporting members is introduced through needle ear and brought out through the penetrating scleral incision at VI o'clock position. Curved microneedle having ear in the vicinity of its tip is introduced through scleral incision at XII o'clock position. The needle end under the iris is brought out through standard limbic incision outside of eye boundaries. Thread attached to another lens-supporting member is introduced through needle ear and brought outside. The threads at VI and XII o'clock positions are pulled and the lens is implanted into the posterior chamber. The thread ends are attached to sclera with sutures. EFFECT: minimum traumatic injuries; improved quality of central lens adjustment.