FIELD: polymers. SUBSTANCE: invention describes a graft polymer of styrene and methylmethacrylate with polyheteroarylene of the general formula (I) where R is
; n = 100-150; m = 135-150. Indicated compound can be used with the highest efficiency as polymeric materials exhibiting high physical-mechanical and thermal properties. Polymer of the formula (I) is synthesized by radical initiated polymerization of styrene and methylmethacrylate in the presence of aromatic polyhetero-arylene at the graduate temperature rise from 20 to 100-120 C. Cyclo-hexylperoxydicarbonate and azodiisobutyric acid dinitrile are used as initiating agents and polymers, for example: polyimide, polyamide and polyacrylate comprising carded and hexafluoropropylidene groups soluble in styrene, MMA and other organic solvents are used as polyheteroarylene. The structure of synthesized polymers has been confirmed by data of elemental analysis, IR-spectroscopy and gel-penetrating chromatography. Polymers show high physical-mechanical and thermal indices, namely: rupture strength limit is from 53.8 to 64.5 MPa, tensile elasticity modulus is from 0.73 x 103 to 2.8 x 103 MPa, relative elongation is from 2.4 to 6% and vitrification point is from 105 to 140 C. EFFECT: improved method of synthesis, valuable indices and properties. 2 tbl