FIELD: oil geology, construction of adequate geological models and optimization of arrangement of prospecting and operating wells on examined object. SUBSTANCE: seismic prospecting operations are conducted, wells are drilled, electric, radiation, acoustic and seismic logging is carried out, wells are tested. Obtained data are used to make judgment on potential of development and presence of tectonic diastrophism in oil and gas-efficient rocks. Collection of data obtained by drilling and seismic prospecting is employed to determine spectral-time parameters to expose low-amplitude tectonic diastrophism on basis of spectral-time analysis of specific interval of seismic recording and quantitative evaluation of its results by frequency and time scans in the form of product of specific values of spectral density of energy spectra by frequency and time of their maxima as well as in the form of ratio of seismic high-frequency energy and great time periods to low- frequency energy and lesser time periods. Spectral-time analysis and its quantitative parameterization along axes of frequencies and times are conducted by all seismic profiles. Results are compared with reference data, low-amplitude tectonic diastrophisms are exposed by quantitative spectral-time parameters in any point of explored territory. EFFECT: enhanced authenticity and accuracy of geological model of oil and gas objects, more substantiated approach to arrangement of prospecting and operating wells.