FIELD: measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: aerodynamic device with air intakes fitted with instruments measuring flow rate, temperature and air humidity before and after contact with surface of heat exchange is employed to determine convective component of heat flow, rate and intensity of moisture evaporation from surface of physical model of man's body. Coefficient of convective heat transfer α, W/( sq m K) is computed by formula α = Q/(t-t2)/F, where is summary convective heat flow, W; Qi = Gicp(t1i-t2) is convective heat flow in i-th air intake, W; Gi = ViSiρ - is air flow rate in i-th air intake, kg/s; Vi - is velocity of air flow in outlet of i-th air intake, m/s; Si - is cross-section area of outlet of i-th air intake, sq. m; ρ - is air density, kg/cu m; cp is specific heat of air, J/(kg K)/ t1i is air temperature across outlet from i-th air intake, K; t2 is air temperature far off device, K; n is number of air intakes in aerodynamic device; t and F are correspondingly temperature, K, and area of heat exchange area, sq.m. Evaporation intensity J, g(sq m s) is calculated by formula
where Ji = ViSi(ωti1-ωt2) - is evaporation rate, g/s; ωti1 - is concentration of water vapor across outlet from i-th air intake, g/cu m; ωt2 - is concentration of water vapor far off device, g/cu m; concentration of water vapor is determined by formula ωt = E100μ/R/T,, where ωt - is concentration of water vapor in air mixture, g/cu m; μ - is molecular weight of water, 18 g/mole; R is universal gas constant, 8.314 J/( mole K); T is temperature of wet air according to dry-bulb thermometer, K; pressure E, millibar, is determined by formula E = 10k-0,7947(td.b)(1+0,00115tw.b), where
; where td.b - is air temperature according to dry-bulb thermometer of psychrometer, C; tw.b - is air temperature according to wet-bulb thermometer of psychrometer, C. EFFECT: raised accuracy of method and device determining components of heat exchange. 4 cl, 2 dwg