FIELD: mining industry. SUBSTANCE: method includes mechanical self-flowing delivery of material along the wells, filling of exhausted space by backfill due to using kinetic energy of movement of its portions in case of oscillations and turns of material currents in horizontal plane and forming of backfill mass in form of band. Initial turn of current of backfill is performed in the well or at raise of height determined on basis of given mathematical expression. Then, current is directed along bow- shaped chute with radius of 0.8 hb, where hb is height of exhausted space, and is thrown out into exhausted space under angle to horizontal line equal to α = 20°-22°, while at finishing portion of its way current of backfill passes along straight way portion of length L=0.3hb meters, made tangent to bow-shaped portion of chute. EFFECT: increased safety during backing operations. 1 dwg, 2 tbl