FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves introducing allotransplant for making carcass eyelid plastic repair using foot derma having trapezoid shape, between musculocutaneous and chondroconjunctival plates of the inferior eyelid. It is fixed with allotendinous threads using external and internal eyelid ligaments or using external and internal orbit edge periosteum. The inferior fornix is built by placing mattress suture with allotendinous threads along orbit edge through allotransplant and fixing the suture on its surface. The sutures are placed uniformly allover the inferior fornix length. The allotransplant is covered with muscle flap on pedicle cut-off in inferior orbit region. The flap is attached to the allotransplant on lower eyelid edge and the arisen inferior eyelid skin defect is substituted with free skin graft. Skin graft can be taken from internal arm surface.
EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness in repairing eyelid; prevented recidivation.
2 cl, 8 dwg