FIELD: chemical industry; production of synthesis gas, methanol and acetic acid on its base.
SUBSTANCE: the invention is dealt with the methods of production of synthesis gas, production of methanol and acetic acid on its base. The method of upgrading of the existing installation for production of methanol or methanol/ ammonia provides for simultaneous use of the installation also for production of acetic acid or its derivatives. The existing installation contains a reformer, to which a natural gas or other hydrocarbon and a steam (water), from which a synthesis gas is formed. All the volume of the synthesis gas or its part is processed for separation of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The separated carbon dioxide is fed into an existing circuit of synthesis of methanol for production of methanol or is returned to the inlet of the reformer to increase the share of carbon monoxide in the synthesis gas. The whole volume of the remained synthesis gas and carbon, which has not been fed into the separator of dioxide, may be transformed into methanol in the existing circuit of a synthesis of methanol together with carbon dioxide from the separator and-or carbon dioxide delivered from an external source, and hydrogen from the separator. Then the separated carbon monoxide is subjected to reactions with methanol for production of acetic acid or an intermediate compound of acetic acid according to the routine technology. A part of the acetic acid comes into reaction with oxygen and ethylene with formation of monomer of vinyl acetate. With the help of the new installation for air separation nitrogen is produced for production of additional amount of ammonia by the upgraded initial installation for production of ammonia, where the separated hydrogen interacts with nitrogen with the help of the routine technology. As the finished product contains acetic acid then they in addition install the device for production of a monomer of vinyl acetate using reaction of a part of the acetic acid with ethylene and oxygen. With the purpose of production of the oxygen necessary for production of a monomer of vinyl acetate they additionally install a device for separation of air. At that the amount of nitrogen produced by the device of separation of air corresponds to nitrogen demand for production of additional amount of ammonia. The upgraded installation ensures increased production of additional amount of ammonia as compared with the initial installation for production of methanol. The invention also provides for a method of production of hydrogen and a product chosen from a group consisting of acetic acid, acetic anhydride, methyl formate, methyl acetate and their combinations, from hydrocarbon through methanol and carbon monoxide. For this purpose execute catalytic reforming of hydrocarbon with steam in presence of a relatively small amount of carbon dioxide with formation of the synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, in which synthesis gas is characterized by magnitude of the molar ratio R = ((H2-CO2)/(CO+CO2)) from 2.0 up to 2.9. The reaction mixture contains carbon monoxide, water -up to 20 mass %, a dissolvent and a catalytic system containing at least one halogenated promoter and at least one rhodium compound, iridium compound or their combination. The technical result provides, that reconstruction of operating installations increases their productivity and expands assortment of produced industrial products.
EFFECT: the invention ensures, that reconstruction of operating installations increases their productivity and expands assortment of produced industrial products.
44 cl, 3 ex, 6 dwg