FIELD: trading.
SUBSTANCE: method includes controlling movement of trade goods flow via trade goods flow control system. Goods sold in the complex are categorized in trade groups on basis of given criterion, to each trade group a terminal, loading bay and goods demonstration sector are assigned. During delivery of goods to complex route of movement of each type of goods is determined with note of terminal, loading bay and goods demonstration sector. Delivered goods through terminal assigned to current goods type are loaded into assigned loading bay and positioned in assigned sectors for goods demonstration. Trade goods flow control system has control implements and computer, connected to control implements and containing controlling software module, database of names of goods sold in trade complex, while controlling software is made with possible assigning of a terminal for delivery of each goods type in database and determining its movement route with note of terminal, loading bay and goods demonstration sector.
EFFECT: simplified control, lower costs, lower losses due to thefts.
2 cl, 3 dwg