FIELD: the invention refers to the field of processing of solid organic matter into liquid and gaseous fuel particular to the technology and technique of pyrolysis conversion of liquid oil products.
SUBSTANCE: conversion of solid organic fuel in producer gas is realized by way of high-speed heating in a reactor at the temperature of 700 ...1200oC for a time of 10o … 10-4 seconds without access of oxygen and in the presence of cold-plasmatic discharge of reactive plasma with density of electric power of 0.1 … 1 kWh on 1 kilo of processed organic fuel. For increasing coefficient of using solid fuel the energy of the processed gas and also the energy received at cooling gasified products of pyrolysis of solid organic fuel are transformed into energy of water steam which is directed into thermoelectric power station with a steamer and processed steam is used for heat generation and heat supply.
EFFECT: the invention allows to increase coefficient of using solid fuel and increase electric power generation, decrease electric energy input of a gas-generator and decrease content of nitric oxide , solid particles and resinous matter and also increase resource of an internal combustion engine at power generation with the mode of solid organic fuel gasification and following incineration of received producer gas in a thermoelectric power station.
6 cl, 3dwg