FIELD: medicine, psychiatry, neurology.
SUBSTANCE: the innovation deals with detecting sphingomyelins due to stream thin-layer chromatography. Moreover, one should detect the degree of depression manifestation by Hamilton's scale and determine quantitative amount of phosphatidyl ethanolamines, sphingomyelins and phosphatidyl ethanolamines to calculate laukocytic formula, and at availability of lymphocytes being above 25% and monocytes being above 5% and phosphatidyl ethanolamines value being 32.6 ± 1.6, sphingomyelins 27.6 ± 1.1 and phosphatidyl ethanolamines being 27.4 ± 2.7 it is possible to diagnose therapeutically resistant reactive depression. Method is simple at application, enables to detect pathobiochemical and immunological markers of therapeutic resistance in case of reactive depression and control patient's state both at biochemical and immunological levels due to objectivizing clinical evaluation of patient's state at monitoring therapy efficiency.
EFFECT: higher accuracy of diagnostics.
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