FIELD: medicine, psychiatry, neurology.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with detecting the resistance to antidepressant-containing therapy in patients with bipolar affective disorders and recurrent depressive disorders. One should detect the degree of depression by Hamilton's scale, calculate leukocytic formula of blood clinic analysis, detect quantitative content of phosphatidylethanolamines, sphingomyelins and phosphatidylcholines in whole blood to calculate the content values of these phospholipids. Therapeutically resistant depressions in patients with endogenous psychic diseases should be predicted at the value of depressive symptomatics degree being 20.9±2.2 points, the value of phosphatidylethanolamines being 30.2±1.3%, sphingomyelins being 28.6±2.4% and phosphatidylcholines being 28.1±1.9% and the availability of monocytosis and lymphocytosis being above 5% and 25%, correspondingly.
EFFECT: higher accuracy of detection.
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