FIELD: geophysics.
SUBSTANCE: method includes photographing target area by photo camera through strong permanent magnetic field, formed by magnet, inter-pole space of which is in focus of photo camera. Photo camera is directed at an angle to target area and is positioned in observation point at given height. Photo camera is made with protective screen from electromagnetic interference and with shield with mirror outer surface. Received negative photo is processed. Geologic-structural modeling of mineral resource deposit is performed with decoding of photo. Parameters and contours of detected anomalies are determined, considered matching deposit of mineral resource. Depth of position of deposit of mineral resource is determined from mathematical formula H - A tgα, where A - distance between point of intersection of surface of area and straight line, passing from observation point to mineral resource deposit, and point of intersection of surface of target area and perpendicular line to area within limits of contour of area of deposit, meters, α - angle between surface of area and straight line, passing from observation point to deposit, degrees.
EFFECT: higher trustworthiness.
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