FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves showing game set to a child under training with other children participating in the process. Methodologist does the work at the first stage and later on the methodologist and teacher together create positive emotions in child consciousness. Next to it, sporting apparatus is shown to the child as motivation means to manifesting functional movements. The apparatus is designed as a thing or toy known to the child. The movements being executed by the testee, the teacher does motivation movements holding the child hand and feeling its muscle responses and helps in selecting purposeful movement from random set of movements, correcting in this way direction to a motivating thing. Motion stereotype is formed in playing-game mode by repeating the motivating purposeful movements. A child having muscles in complete spastic state, teacher makes the child turn its body trunk to the right and to the left in lying position with the hands stretched up until muscle corset feeling arises. Then, a thing or toy known to the child is shown to the child as motivation means. In supporting child hands, teacher helps in selecting trunk rotation movement direction coinciding with the place the motivating thing holds, correcting the trunk rotation. To consolidate skills in doing purposeful turns, trunk turns to the left and to the right are combined into a complex until muscle corset development takes place.
EFFECT: wide range of child rehabilitation means.
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