FIELD: medicine, orthopedics.
SUBSTANCE: The present innovation deals with correcting knee joint deformation in teenagers due to applying the means of perosseous fixation. One should fix adapted condyles of femur and tibia, fulfill one osteotomy in area of distal metaphysis of femur, as for another osteotomy - in area of proximal metaphysis of tibia, intraoperationally one should simultaneously remove deformation of ankle, the condyle of femur should be dosedly rotated against its proximal end till the development of a V-shaped regenerate, the condyle of femur should be fixed with needles with supporting plane coming towards each other in oblique-sagittal plane. Since the 3 d d after operation one should do the complex of curative physical training exercises. The innovation enables to provide correction of knee joint deformation at total defect of one of the femoral condyle at total defect of one of the femoral condyles in teenagers and keep adapted articular surfaces.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of correction.
2 cl, 6 dwg, 1 ex,