FIELD: medicine, reflexotherapy, vertebrology, neurology.
SUBSTANCE: one should predetect the values of electroconductivity of reflecting areas of vertebral segments along median sternal line in the sites of projection of intervertebral disks and parts. For this purpose, it is necessary to divide sternal surface with transverse lines into proportionally equal parts being quantitatively equal to the number of vertebrae of corresponding vertebral departments. Moreover, one should take into consideration the fact that manubrium sterni corresponds to cervical department, the next two parts - to thoracic one, the next fourth parts - to lumbar one and xiphoid process - to coccyx. In these sternal parts one should isolate proportionally equal parts being quantitatively equal to the number of vertebrae in corresponding vertebral departments. In case of considerable deviation against the norm it is important to fulfill normalizing impact upon this reflecting vertebral area upon sternum. The innovation enables to perform the impact at taking into account functional state of every vertebral segment.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.
1 dwg, 2 ex