FIELD: food industry, cosmetics, pharmacy.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method for preparing a stable product of solubilization of ascorbic acid in an aqueous solution using as a preserving or stabilizing agent. Product of solubilization (solubilizate) comprises ascorbic acid in the concentration up to 20 wt.-% and polysorbate as an emulsifier with value of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance from 9 to 18 taken in the amount up to 60 wt.-% and water up to 100%. Polysorbate-80 is used as emulsifier preferably. Solubilizate can comprise additionally α-tocopherol or mixed tocopherol. Also, octadecatrienoic, linolenic or oleic acids enhance stability of the supplement. Also, solubilizate consisting of ascorbic acid and emulsifier can comprise light vegetable oil, for example, thistle or flax oil consisting of triglycerides mainly. Preferably, a mixture consisting of 3 mass parts of indicated solubilizate with vegetable oil and 7 mass parts of tocopherol solubilizate is prepared. Aqueous ascorbic acid solubilizate and emulsifier (polysorbate) is prepared by addition of emulsifier to ascorbic acid aqueous solution followed by short-time heating at stirring up to attainment of clearness and homogeneity of the mixture. If necessary, light natural oil is added to ascorbic acid solution. Invention provides possibility for preparing ascorbic acid aqueous solutions as water- and oil-soluble capsulated formulation for prolonged storage.
EFFECT: improved preparing method.
21 cl, 6 dwg, 5 ex