FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: claimed method includes using of sodium chloride bath with salt concentration of 5-10 g/l. Before procedure gel containing bioactive component is applied on limbs, dorsum, collar area or torax up to full absorption. Bioactive component represents extract of plant selected from liquorice, chamomile, valerian, rosemary, elder, salvia, pine, bottle-brush, blackberry, Eleuterococcus, horse chestnut, mint, cowberry, cypress, grapefruit, red orange, algae, green tea, coffee, oat, dogrose, juniper, clover, henna, nettle, calendula, button, agrimony. Gel base contains NaCl, ethylcellulose hydroxide, fragrance, conserving agent and water. More particularly gel comprises (mass %): bioactive component 1.5-3.3; NaCl 25.0-30.0; ethylcellulose hydroxide 0.8-1.0; fragrance 0.4-0.6; conserving agent 0.8-1.0, and balance: water. Procedures are carried out at 35°C-37°C for 10-20 min, up to 10 procedures with one-day interval.
EFFECT: enhanced assortment of agents for balneal procedures.
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