FIELD: micro-electronics, possible use in technology for manufacturing semiconductor products, in particular, diodes, transistors, integration circuits, and also for analyzing products which broke down at consumer side.
SUBSTANCE: device for controlling semiconductor products on basis of volt-ampere characteristic derivatives contains a power source, output of which is connected to semiconductor product, generator of linearly changing voltage, output of which is connected to semiconductor product, analog-digital converter, digital-analog converter, electronic computing machine and a monitor, circuit for controlling and launching generator of linearly changing voltage and current-voltage converter, where output clamp for connection of semiconductor product being tested is connected to input of current-voltage transformer, output of which is connected to input of analog-digital converter, and output of analog-digital converter is connected to electronic computing machine, where input of digital-analog converter is connected to electronic computing machine, and output of digital-analog converter is connected to input of circuit for controlling and launching generator of linearly changing voltage, and output of circuit for controlling and launching generator of linearly changing voltage is connected to input of generator of linearly changing voltage.
EFFECT: increased precision of diagnostics and expanded functional capabilities of semiconductor product control with usage of derivatives of volt-ampere characteristics.
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