FIELD: heating.
SUBSTANCE: proposed method of drying scale wood involves successive laying the scale wood between drain pans, forming a pile, fixing the shape of two sheets of scale wood in a plane through periodic action of a load on the scale wood, putting the scale wood into a drying chamber with subsequent blowing a drying agent through parallel-plate ducts of the drain pans, with periodic removal of the load from the scale wood. The drying agent is blown through perforated through-openings in the parallel-plate ducts of the drain pans. The load is periodically removed from the scale wood at the same time for all scale wood in the pile, creating an equal gap between all drain pans on the pile through effect of lift force on the uppermost drain pan. The device for implementing the method consists of a set of rectangular drain pans with through-openings and parallel-plate ducts, stacked into a pile. It also has four elements of a separating system, which are arranged in pairs on two opposite sides of the drain pans. Each element of the separating system consists of two moveable short levers arranged in top and bottom pairs, each pair of which is joined at its ends by a flexible joint, forming a flexible angle. Between these paired moveable short levers, there are paired moveable intermediate levers, each pair of which is linked through the centre by a flexible joint, forming mobile angles of an X-shaped element. The distance between the outermost centres of the openings of the paired moveable intermediate levers is more than twice the distance between centres of the outermost openings of paired moveable short levers, forming a mobile angle. The free pair of the bottom ends of the first X-shaped element, through free ends of the levers, is joined by flexible joints to the free ends of the bottom pair of moveable short levers, forming a mobile angle. The free pair of top ends of the upper X-shaped element, through free ends of the levers, is joined by flexible joints with the free ends of the top pair of moveable short levers, forming a mobile angle. The free ends of intermediate X-shaped elements are joined by flexible joints, forming an element of the separating system with formation of n rhombuses, which are joined to each other on the vertical at the angles, with possibility of varying the angles. Each rhombus system has (n-1) X-shaped elements. Through openings are made on two sides of the drain pan along the parallel-plate ducts. The spacing between the axes of through openings of one of the pairs of moveable short levers, forming a mobile angle, and one of the pairs of intermediate levers of X-shaped elements is the same as the distance between the axes of the openings. The spacing, equal to the distance between axes of two adjacent through openings, is calculated, and two insertion pieces are put into through openings of each drain pan on each side, aligned by parallel sides of the rhombuses, joined on the vertical, and whose verticals are symmetrical with the centre of the butt end of the pile.
EFFECT: making scale wood with equal drying properties along the height of the pile.
2 cl, 7 dwg