FIELD: physics, acoustics.
SUBSTANCE: invention concerns musical synthesizers. The device contains the block of MIDI-sequences 10 input, the block of analysis MIDI 12, blocks of formation of parametres of a string 14 and a hammer 16, the formations of a sound related through the block 18 with the filter 20 and the sound-reproducing device 22. The blocks of formation of parametres of a string, a hammer and a sound are executed with possibility of physical modeling of behaviour of plurality of the strings weighted on a general deck, at excitation of each of strings shock of a hammer with the account stiffnesses, forces of tension of a string, dampfers position, and also masses, shapes, weight and material of a hammer, coordinate of hammer strike on a string.
EFFECT: increase of approximation of synthesised sounding to sounding of a "live" musical instrument, modeling of sensations at playing non-electronic grand piano, such, as, not discrete operation of the pedal, natural excitation of obertones, possibility of timbre and dynamic nuances obtaining, and also expansion of a dynamic gamut of sounding.
9 cl, 7 dwg