FIELD: building.
SUBSTANCE: method involves preparation of a vertical surface, application of a plastic compound on the vertical surface and treatment thereof. Then without waiting the treated plastic compound to dry, a rough relief image is patterned and left for drying. After complete drying and gain in strength, the relief image is aligned, smoothed out, ground to ensure a desirable effect - a relief view and height. The rough relief image is patterned by masking the plastic material with a prefabricated stamp with a required mirror relief image on the working surface thereof. The working surface of the stamp is wet with a liquid that prevents the plastic material to adhere thereto. After the stamp is applied, its inverse side opposite to the working surface is forced with a constant effort sufficient to fill with the plastic material the hollows in the required mirror relief image on its working surface. It is followed with short-term uniform applied shock on the whole surface of the stamp inverse side, and after a period of time enough to fill with the plastic material the hollows in the mirror relief image, the stamp is removed.
EFFECT: invention improves quality of finished products.
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