FIELD: mining.
SUBSTANCE: method of goaf stowing during underground development of steeply dipping thick ore bodies involves bottom-upward excavation of inclined ore streaks 5 in horizontal layers up to 8 m wide with the inclination angle equal to angle of dip of ore body starting from the hanging side towards the lying side, ore breaking to the mine goaf of the bed, loading of the broken ore from the mine goaf, installation of insulating bulkheads on the bed flanks and filling of the mine goaf with hydraulic stowing mixture 2. Before the mine goaf is filled with hydraulic stowing mixture 2, there built near exposed surface of the adjacent inclined ore streak 6 is concrete retaining wall 1 with the thickness taken depending on the bed width and the specified strength of wall 1. After the rest part of the mine goaf is filled with hydraulic stowing mixture 2 and water is filtered, injection of hardening - cement-and-sand solution is performed to its upper part to the depth of 100…300 mm for movement of self-propelled machines along the filling surface 4.
EFFECT: invention will allow decreasing the flow rate of hardening stowing mixture owing to the construction of concrete retaining wall and reducing the prime cost of the mine production.
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