FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: method involves determination of the relative coefficient of inter-channel mass exchange within a characteristic area using approximate relationships which take into account relative concentration of tracer in the inlet channel, average relative concentration of tracer in rows of identical inlet channels and relative shortest distances from the section for inlet of tracer into the inlet channel respectively before the inlet and outlet cross-sections of the characteristic area. Relative shortest distances between said sections are selected based on the number of channels surrounding the rod in the central part of the bundle, and relative longitudinal length of the flow part of the bundle on which the tracer from one channel falls into an adjacent channel. The scale factor used when determining the relative coefficient of inter-channel mass exchange, length and distance in the bundle of rods is the typical size of elements of its structure, and typical concentration when determining relative concentration of tracer.
EFFECT: invention increases accuracy, broadens functional capabilities and prevents uncertainty when determining this coefficient.
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