FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: protecting device consists of system of sensors, electric valve and protected object. The protected object is connected to an actuating device. A signal to actuate the actuating device is transmitted from the control device. The latter corresponds to the electric valve. A piston is installed inside the case of the electric valve. The piston is fixed in a stand-by state by a holder. At actuating the electric valve the piston functions as a cutter cutting the holder off. The holder is made as an annealed wire. One end of the holder is secured on the case of the electric valve, while another end is attached to the end of an actuating lever. The lever is coupled with an actuating spring. The actuating device is actuated with a switch button only under an emergency mode. The system of actuating device operation consists of the actuating lever on one end of which there are fixed the actuating spring and the holder, while two orifices are made on the other end: an orifice for a safety pin and an orifice for installation of the axle of the actuating lever. The end of the lever is profiled. The electric valve is coupled with the system of dangerous zone probing. The latter consists of sensors set to excess of maximum permissible concentration of chemically hazardous substances and of a probe.
EFFECT: increased efficiency of process equipment protection from emergencies owing to raised performance and reliability of system actuation.
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