FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: procedure consists in loading items to bath and in supply of processing medium from local pressurised systems into horizontally set collectors with jet-forming elements facilitating generation of jet flows in form of uninterrupted and stepped zone of treatment with similar hydro-dynamic pressure of jets in flow. The elements perform reciprocal travels relative to treated surfaces. Also, for processes of treatment with time of exposure of parts T ≥ 0.5 min there are performed reciprocal motions of jet flows relative to treated surfaces, while for processes with time of exposure T < 0.5 min - vice versa.
EFFECT: raised efficiency and quality of operations of chemical treatment due to expanded spectre of reciprocal motions; possibility to change exposure and properties of jet flows relative to parts; reduced cycle of parts washing; reduced probability of nozzle orifices clogging.
5 cl, 2 dwg