FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: method consists in identification of the rating of a thermally dependent resistor Rα, for the specified temperature resistance coefficient, sec, and the rating of the thermally independent resistor Rs, which shunts the inlet resistance of the bridge circuit, based on the condition of compensation of the multiplicative temperature error. Besides, resistors Rα and Rs are installed into an output diagonal of the bridge circuit operating for load resistance of RL≤2 kOhm. For this purpose the rating of the output resistance of the bridge circuit Rout is identified, as well as its temperature resistance coefficient αr + and αr - for two temperature ranges, Δt+=t+-t0 and Δt-=t--t0, where t0, t+, t- - accordingly the normal temperature and extreme points of temperatures of the gauge working temperature range. Bridge circuit temperature coefficient of frequency α∂0 + and α∂0 - for two temperature ranges of gauge operation at RL≥500 kOhm and non-linearity of bridge circuit temperature coefficient of frequency (Δα∂0=α∂0 +-α∂0 -) in the temperature range from t+ to t-. If identified αr +, α∂0 - and Δα∂0 are in the area of complete compensation of the multiplicative temperature error, ratings of Rα and Rs resistors are calculated. Rates values Rα and Rs are set into the output diagonal of the bridge circuit.
EFFECT: higher accuracy of set-up.
1 tbl, 3 dwg