FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: pneumatic driving method of clutch mechanism of expansion machine section shafts with power take-off shaft of piston engine is designed for control of torsional moment without gear shift mechanism of piston engine with working medium feeding generated by free-piston gas generator with common external combustion chamber. To engage the shafts of extension machine sections of engine with power take-off shaft the engine control system supplies the air compressed in gas generator compressor cavities into the cavity of coupling drive piston of that extension machine, where the coupling is needed, and shaft gears of extension machine and piston engine are coupled. To disengage the shaft of extension machine section from power take-off shaft of piston engine the engine control system supplies the air compressed in gas generator compressor cavities into the opposite cavity of coupling drive piston and shaft gears of extension machine and piston engine are disengaged.
EFFECT: simplification of structure, power and energy consumption of coupling mechanism of piston sections with power take-off shaft.