FIELD: oil and gas industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to the method for obtaining hydrogen-bearing gaseous fuel in a turbine-generator plant. The invention refers to a multistage method for obtaining hydrogen-bearing gaseous fuel with a closed cycle, which involves start-up of the process in a forced warm-up mode and implementation of the process in a standard self-heating mode involving the introduction of hydrocarbon component and water by pressure injection, heating, fuel return to the ignition zone for formation of flame. The fuel obtaining process is performed at many stages with separate introduction of hydrocarbon component and water to a process cylinder heated with the flame and separated into isolated steps as per the number of stages of the fuel obtaining process; water is introduced at the first stage, heated till water vapour is formed; at further stages, hydrocarbon component is introduced and mixed with water vapour; then, vapour and hydrocarbon mixture is heated additionally and warmed up to the temperature of formation of hydrogen-bearing gaseous fuel, the flow of which is returned to the ignition zone to provide flame combustion. The invention also deals with heat gas generator plant to obtain hydrogen-bearing gaseous fuel.
EFFECT: stable and safe processes of obtaining hydrogen-bearing gaseous fuel is aimed at reducing power consumption and flow rate of hydrocarbon component in fuel.
11 cl, 6 dwg, 1 tbl