FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: during the initial stages they start filling the Voronezh River valley with compacted soil. First of all, near the foot of the dam at the side of the lower reach on the area, where waters discharged through a concrete dam from the Voronezh storage pond do not arrive. Simultaneously with performance of these works a deep-water self-flow navigable canal is constructed, to drain water from the Voronezh storage pond into the Don riverbed below the site occupied by the Novovoronezh NPP. Afterwards the conditions are created to transfer drains from the territory of the Verkhne-Donskoy water-collecting pool into the Voronezh storage pond.
EFFECT: prevention of sludge deposits ingress into a cooling pond, and increased reliability of an earth dam of the Voronezh storage pond and protection of an NPP site.