FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: sample of measured dielectric is placed into the area of maximum electric field of the resonator excited at E010 mode; Q-factor of resonator is measured with sample and without it and tgδ value of dielectric is evaluated by measurement results. The method is characterised by use of Q-factor increase effect for the system of resonator-dielectric when a sample of dielectric is introduced. If Q-factor of the system is improved with introduction of the sample, intrinsic Q of the resonator is increased up to the maximum Q value at which Q factor of the system remains unchanged and tgδ of the measured dielectric sample is defined by the following ratio: tgδ=(ε-1)/εQ, where ε is dielectric constant of the dielectric sample; Q is intrinsic Q of the resonator at which Q factor of the system remains unchanged; if Q-factor of the system is decreased at introduction of the dielectric sample, Q-factor of the resonator is decreased up to the value when Q-factor of the system increases and then measurements are made in compliance with the above procedure.
EFFECT: expanding range of measured Q-factors and improving accuracy of loss coefficients tgδ for dielectrics.
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