FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method includes carrying out drug treatment, diet therapy, physical exercise, balneotherapy. Drug treatment includes intake of an ACE inhibitor or a beta-blocker 30-40 minutes before the first breakfast. 2-2.5 hours after supper methmorphine in a dose of 500-1000 mg/day is taken in. Diet therapy includes fractional feeding with the calorie content of 1200 kilocalories from Monday to Friday. On Saturday the calorie content is reduced to 800-900 kilocalories, and on Sunday - to 600-700 kilocalories. The physical exercise is carried out in the form of walking in a slow tempo, with stops, with the total duration of 90-120 minutes. Balneotherapy is started with carrying out in the morning of a rain fresh water shower. Then, manual superficial massage of the neck zone is carried out. Baths take place in the period from 12 to 17 o'clock. For their carrying out hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium mineral water from Belokurikha resort with an increased content of silicic acid and fluorine, and mineralisation of 0.4 g/l is applied. Radon concentration for bath realisation constitutes 3.9-4.6 nCi/dm3, water temperature is 36-37°C. The duration of the bath time is five minutes on the first day, on the second day - eight minutes, on the third day - ten minutes, on the fourth day - rest, on the fifth and sixth days - twelve minutes, on the seventh day - fifteen minutes, on the eighth day - rest, on the following three days the baths are being carried out for 15 minutes.
EFFECT: method increases remission duration due to an increase of the non-specific resistance of the organism protection factors, normalisation of oxygenation and metabolic processes in tissues.
4 cl, 2 tbl, 2 ex