FIELD: measurement equipment.
SUBSTANCE: explosive signal is emitted in marine environment, the reflected signal is received by a wideband receiver, multi-channel frequency analysis of the reflected signal is carried out, spectra from the outlet of channels are displayed on the indicator, autonomous installation and blasting of the source of the explosive signal is carried out, dependence of sound speed on depth is measured, level of noise is measured in the reception band, the detection threshold is determined, the signal of straight propagation of the explosive signal is received, which exceeded the selected detection threshold, the time of reception of the signal of straight propagation is determined from the explosive source to the receiver Treceiver, the spectrum of the signal of straight propagation is measured, which exceeded the detection threshold, they determine width of the spectrum of the signal of straight propagation in the band of the receiving device Fstraight, the signal is received that was reflected from the object, they determine time of reception of the reflected signal Techo, they measure the spectrum of the reflected signal, determine the band of spectral components of the reflected signal that exceeded the threshold of detection of Fecho, they determine the distance to the object according to the formula Dmeas=K(Fstraight-Fecho), where K - coefficient that determines frequency attenuation of signal spectrum during propagation, at the same time Dmeas>(Techo-Tstraight)C, where C - sound speed.
EFFECT: measurement of distance to a reflection object with unknown time of emission and place of installation, which increases efficiency of using hydroacoustic means.
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