FIELD: radar and radio navigation; data processing.
SUBSTANCE: method comprises using a first sequence of pulses with repetition rate Fi1, in which repetition period Ti1 is several times smaller than base period T0, selected from condition of unambiguous measurement of distance within entire possible range of distances to observed meteorological objects (MO), radiating in next interval T0 a second sequence of pulses with repetition rate Fi2, where Fi1=z1F0 and Fi2=z2F0, where F0=1/T0; values z1 and z2 are not multiples of each other and have no common denominator, determining a set of observed delays tdn1i, where ; I is total number of observed delays reflected from MO pulses relative to each k-th,
; K is number of pulses emitted in first packet, emitted pulse in their first packet, calculation of average observed delay t1 cp of reflected pulses from MO relative to each of emitted k-th pulse in their first packet, determining a set of observed delays tdn2j, where
; J is total number of observed delays of pulses reflected from MO relative to each p-th,
; P is number of pulses emitted in a second packet, emitted pulse in their second packet, calculation of average observed delay of reflected pulses from MO t2 cp relative to each of emitted p-th pulse in their second packet, comparison of time delay tdc1=mTi1+t1 cp and tdc2=nTi2+t2 cp, where m and n are numbers of whole periods Ti1 and Ti2, falling within interval of true delay tdc, variation of numerical values of m and n until condition tdc1=tdc2 is met with fixation, at which said condition is met, and calculating range to MO by formula Dc=c(mfTi1+t1 cp)/2 or Dc=c(nfTi2+t2 cp)/2, where c is speed of light.
EFFECT: unambiguous measurement of distance to MO.
1 cl, 2 dwg