FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to anaesthesiology. In a patient side position performed is a middle or a paramedian access. After local anaesthesia puncture is performed at the level of LIV-LV with a needle of diameter 25 G and less. Introduced into the subarachnoid space are 40 mg of 2 % lidocaine solution, herewith the edge of the needle during puncture of the dura mater and verification of the subarachnoid space is directed sagittally right or left. Then introduced is an isobaric marcaine solution in the total dose of 15-20 mg, while placing the needle edge maximum cranially, herewith the time of a single-stage introduction of marcaine with bubbling liquor in the amount of up to 5-10 ml is equal to 1-2 minutes. Further regulation of the block development and control over the block is done by inclination of the head end of the table to 45-60° and controlled by noninvasive measurement of blood pressure and heart rate.
EFFECT: method enables to combine positive properties of subarachnoid anaesthesia meaning simplified, fast start, prolonged analgetic and myorelaxing effect, besides, softer and easier postoperative period, faster postoperative rehabilitation of patients, no need for a long myoplegia (intraoperative and postoperative), no period of postanesthetic depression, no need for an artificial pulmonary ventilation.
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