FIELD: aviation.
SUBSTANCE: method comprises undocking of the spacecraft (SC) from the low-Earth orbital space station (OSS) and transferring to flight path to the moon with returning back. SC drifts down until the height of the OSS orbit upon returning to Earth by several brakings in its atmosphere. Node line of SC orbit is turned for plane alignment of the OSS and SC orbits after the first passage of the atmosphere at the point of intersection of these planes. In order to accomplish that, corresponding impulse is applied to the spacecraft perpendicular to the plane of the arrival orbit. Then the SC is docked again with OSS. The method will allow to fly around the moon and return to the initial low-Earth orbit in 6.5 days with reference speed input of about 1.7 km/sec.
EFFECT: final adjustment of spacecraft designed for multiple flights between low-Earth orbit and lunar OSS.
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