FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: communication system of the ultra-low frequency and extreme-frequency range with deep-loaded and remote objects-6 contains a transmission system consisting of a master oscillator, a modulator, a control system, protection and automation, a power amplifier, a matching device, an antenna current indicator and a current source. Receiving and registration of the radiation produced by ULF-ELF generators are implemented using a towed cable antenna, amplifier and receiver of ULF-ELF range, on board the underwater object, characterized in that the program further includes N transmitters, N earthing antenna system constructed in the form extended rectilinear line consisting of N sections, segments underground unshielded cable, the antenna system t length of several tens of hundreds of kilometers, each of the N transducers configured identically and underground cable section comprises a length not exceeding 20 km in the antenna system, source of electrical energy supply of each of the blocks along the supply circuits of the converter, information transformer, power transformer, the first amplifier, the integral circuit (circuit), the second valve B.2, the differential circuit, the first valve B.1, the second amplifier, the third amplifier, the clock generator of pulses, modulator, power amplifier, current transformer, power regulator at the input of the power amplifier, - current in the N-1 section of the antenna system up to 20 km;
- current in the N section of the antenna system up to 20 km;
is the difference in the currents of the N-1 antenna section and the N section of the antenna; each of the N current transformers contains a three-winding transformer to provide specified current parameters in all sections of the antenna system.
EFFECT: provision of electromagnetic compatibility of the communication system with RES, power lines, cable communication lines, engineering facilities and creation of environmental safety conditions in the area where the antenna system of the radio station is located.
5 cl, 9 dwg, 1 tbl