VIBRATION MIXER Russian patent published in 2017 - IPC B01F11/00 B01F13/10 B01F7/18 

Abstract RU 2626644 C1

FIELD: machine engineering.

SUBSTANCE: vibration mixer comprises a mixing chamber with the ports for loading and unloading of materials respectively, a rotor with blades and rotary drive. The lower and upper parts of mixing chambers comprise two mounted vibrators: lower and upper one made in corrugated casings and generating vibrations by lower and upper crank mechanisms, and providing for the vibration field superimposition effect in the mixing chamber center from the lower and the upper vibrators respectively. Discs with guide posts are rigidly fixed inside each casing in the center in the horizontal plane, the guide posts are to provide for stable directed translatory motion of stems from a sliding pair formed by the guide post of the lower mixing chamber part and the lower vibrator stem of the lower crank mechanism, and from a sliding pair formed by the guide post of the upper mixing chamber part, the guide post of the blade rotation drive and the upper vibrator stem of the upper crank mechanism respectively. The disks of the lower and upper vibrators are provided with cylindrical protrusions able of being inserted and fixed along the inner diameter of the springs installed so that they can be freely compressed and released in cups, connecting rods are rigidly attached to the centers of the cups' inner parts, and pushers are attached to the center of the cups' outer parts, the pushers are rigidly coupled by the other end with the inner parts forming the smallest corrugations, the casings, and executed with the oscillations excitation functions from the smallest corrugations of the vibrator casings. Wherein at outer cylindrical barrel portions the four projections are symmetrically secured, function of which is to transmit reciprocating motions to the disks made with the possibility of homogeneous distribution of the vibration fields of the lower of the housing corrugations to the places of fastening the housings by creating homogeneous amplitude values of the displacement of each point of outer forming corrugated housing during the spring compression to the stop in the rubber gaskets, made with the function of softening the collision of the projections with disks. The vibrators' casings are made as identical metal corrugated shells being corrugated thin-walled bodies of rotation which in the vertical plane section provide for complex truncated geometric figures consisting of equal semicircles, its extreme points of intersection form the vertices of a regular hexagon by corrugation peaks points, the shells are able of generating two vibration fields identical in amplitude and different in frequency, each of them corresponds by shape to the corrugated contour of the said bodies of rotation, with differently directed oscillations. Thus, between the bodies of the lower and upper vibrator along the diameters of depressions formed by the smallest of corrugations of corrugated metal shells of the upper and lower housings vibrators, center fixed spring the function of which is to provide a comprehensive two-frequency vibration field, a corresponding spiral-helical shaped spring to form a dynamization of vibration fields data superimposition, and additional effects of vibration on the blending agents of the upper and lower vibrators bodies respectively. It is provided for the generation of two vibration fields with different frequencies in the whole volume of the mixer's mixing chamber for a mix components being mixed, along with the dynamyzation creation of the effect of the noted vibration fields' overlapping, simultaneous generation of differently directed oscillations in the two-frequency range which prevent the formation of dead zones in the mixing chamber completely, provision of additional vibration action on the mixed components, homogeneous amplitude distribution of each vibration field in the mixing chamber and qualitative intensification of mixing process for these components on the whole.

EFFECT: expanded arsenal of operating means and ensured achievement of new properties.

4 dwg

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  • Lobanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
  • Efremov Igor Mikhajlovich
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  • Kulakov Andrej Yurevich
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  • Lobanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
  • Efremov Igor Mikhajlovich
  • Zenkov Sergej Alekseevich
  • Fedorov Vyacheslav Sergeevich
  • Mikhajlov Aleksandr Anatolevich
  • Lobanov Dmitrij Viktorovich
  • Lobanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
  • Efremov Igor Mikhajlovich
  • Zenkov Sergej Alekseevich
  • Fedorov Vyacheslav Sergeevich
  • Mikhajlov Aleksandr Anatolevich
  • Lobanov Dmitrij Viktorovich
  • Lobanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
  • Efremov Igor Mikhajlovich
  • Zenkov Sergej Alekseevich
  • Fedorov Vyacheslav Sergeevich
  • Mikhajlov Aleksandr Anatolevich

RU 2 626 644 C1


Lobanov Dmitrij Viktorovich

Lobanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna

Efremov Igor Mikhajlovich

Fedorov Vyacheslav Sergeevich

Zhmurov Vladimir Vitalevich

Gryzlova Evgeniya Olegovna

Efremov Mikhail Igorevich

Khrichkov Andrej Vladimirovich


