FIELD: measuring equipment.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to metrology, in particular to hydroacoustic measurements. Hydrophone is located in the basin at a certain distance from the radiator. Emitter is excited by a linear-frequency-modulated signal whose frequency is reduced from the initial value to zero, then, keeping the continuity of the phase of the signal, increases to the initial frequency. By registering the instantaneous values of the radiator current and the hydrophone output voltage, the complex frequency dependence of the transmission impedance of the radiator-hydrophone pair in the reverberation sound field of the basin is determined in the frequency interval symmetric with respect to the zero frequency. Obtained frequency dependence is corrected for the frequency dependence of the reciprocity parameter. Frequency dependence of the PI of the emitter-hydrophone pair in a free field is determined by the sliding complex weighted averaging of the corrected frequency dependence.
EFFECT: providing the ability to calibrate hydrophones at frequencies less than half the width of the frequency interval, and improve calibration accuracy at low frequencies.
1 cl, 5 dwg