FIELD: electrical engineering.
SUBSTANCE: use in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering. According to the method, phase voltage signals Uc measured at the connection point of the active filter passed through a filter tuned to the first harmonic of the supply voltage, at the same time, based on the measured signals of the phase currents Ic of the network and the currents Iaf of the inverter of the active filter, generate signals for the load currents In, as well as signals of load currents In1 on the first harmonic of the supply voltage, which are filtered using a cascade of resonant filters and form signals of currents of higher harmonics. Implement the calculation of the error signals and the output of the voltage signals of the regulation Udq1...Udqn, Udc_control for each harmonica. Sum the voltage signals of the regulation, form the control signal voltage Udq_Control, on the basis of which form the PWM task signal by performing the calculation of the turn-on times of the power switches of the inverter. In this case, based on the signals of the phase voltage Uc, also determine the frequency of the mains, perform phase synchronization and at the stage of generating signals of higher harmonic currents, perform automatic tuning of the cascade of higher harmonics filters relative to the first harmonic of the network.
EFFECT: achievement of the minimum indicators of current distortion and rapid response to changes in the harmonic composition of the current.
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