FIELD: measurement technology.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods and devices used for calculation of capacity of designed hydraulic circuits of transport and dosing systems in chemical, petrochemical, aviation, textile, paint and other industries, particularly to transportation units of adhesive compositions in assembly plants with adhesive joints. Proposed method is implemented by pouring a model circuit with the design constructions of local resistances and sections of connecting pipelines of length li≤Li with the internal diameters di tap water by means of its repeated portion dosing in a measured container and weighing doses on electronic scales at various values of the current head Hi, that are stepwise variable from the maximum (Hj,max) to minimum (Hj,min) values and supported during each j-th pouring operation (j=1, 2 … n, n≈20 – the number of spills in a given measurement cycle) at a given constant level, and on-line sequential computation for each j-th pouring operation (using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) of the following flow parameters: volume flow – Qj [cm3/s] = Vj/tj, corresponding to the head Hj (where vj [cm3] is a dose volume recorded by electronic weighing, tj[s] is a dosing time); water flow rates from the drain tip – vn, j [cm/s] = Qj/fn, head loss – hn,j [cm] = vn,j2/2g and Reynolds Stream numbers – Rej=vn,jdj/νv on its way out; flow rates – Vi,j [cm/s] = vn,j (dn/di)2, Reynolds number – Rei,j=Vi,jdi/νv, friction coefficients – λi,j=0.3164/Rei,j0.25 and head friction losses – hi,j [cm] =λi,j,(Li/di) (dn/di)4 on separate sections of the pipeline; total pressure loss on friction – ht,j [cm] = Σi[hi,j] and on local resistances in the circuit – hm,j [cm] = Hj-hn,j-ht,j; total pressure loss rates for local resistances – ξi=2ghm,j/vn,j2. Further, in the program "Advanced Grapher" a graph of the function ξi=f(Rei) is built, its regression analysis is conducted, as a result of which an equation is determined by approximating the following decreasing power function: ξ=a⋅Reb (where a and b are the coefficients of approximation), series of values of the flow rate of full-scale fluid with viscosity v – Q=Qk (k=1, 2 ... m) is set from the minimum – Q1=Qmin to the maximum – Qm=Qmax from the specified range of its change and is calculated successively for each value of k the following parameters included in the Bernoulli equation: fluid flow rates from the drain tip – vn,k [cm/s]=Qk/fn; head loss – hn,k [cm] = vn,k2/2g and Reynolds Stream numbers – Rek=vn,kdn/ν on its way out; flow rates – vi,k [cm/s]=vn,k(dn/di)2, Reynolds numbers – Rei,k=vi,kdi/ν, friction coefficients – λi,k= 0.3164/Rei,k0.25 (for the turbulent flow of natural fluid) or λi,k=64/Rei,k (for laminar mode) and friction head loss – hi,k [cm]=λi k(Li/di)(dn/di)4 on separate sections of the pipeline; total friction head loss – ht,k [cm] = Σi[hi,k] and local resistances in the circuit – hm,k =ξ(vn,k2/2g), where ξk=a⋅Rekb, and the calculated (predicted) values of disposable head – Hp,k=hn,k+ht,k+hm,k.
EFFECT: higher accuracy and reliability of determining the estimated flow characteristics of a hydraulic circuit during transportation of liquid products of different viscosity through it and the possibility of its prediction by varying the specified range of flow variation and length of pipeline sections forming the circuit.
2 cl, 3 dwg