FIELD: measuring equipment.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to measuring equipment and can be used to calculate the throughput capacity of the designed hydraulic paths of transport and dosing systems in the chemical, petrochemical, aviation, textile, paint and varnish, and other branches of industry, in particular, for determining (predicting) the flow characteristics of systems for automated batch dosing of test liquids maintaining a constant pressure drop on the loading line, metering the dose over time. The proposed method is characterised by the fact that the model of the path with the designed constructs of local resistances and sections of connecting pipelines with the inner diameter di with endwise distribution via a shutoff apparatus with a cylindrical drainage tip with the inner diameter dH is flushed with tap water by multiple batch dosing thereof into a metering container at different values of the actual head Hj, maintained at a predetermined constant level, (wherein j = 1, 2 …, n=31 is the number of flushes in each flushing cycle), reduced stepwise at a pitch of 10 cm from the maximum Hjmax=Hj=1=184 cm to the intermediate value Hj=Hj=18=34 cm - and further at a pitch of 2 cm to the lower boundary of the measurement range - Hjmin=H31=4 cm. Consecutively calculated therein by means of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are: volumetric flow rates Q j [cm3/s]=Vj/tj corresponding to the heads Hj, where the volume of the dose Vj is recorded by weighing on an electronic balance, and the time of dosing tj is set and metered by means of an electronic timer; the outflow rates νHj[cm/s]=Qj/ƒH from the drainage tip (wherein ƒn=πdH2/4), head losses hHj[cm]=α·νHj2/2g and the Reynolds numbers of the flow - Rej=νHjdH/νB at the output, where the Coriolis coefficient α is initially taken as 1.05 as in the turbulent outflow mode, and the kinematic viscosity of water νV is calculated based on the temperature thereof in the current flushing cycle; the flow rates νij[cm/s]=νHj(dH/di)2, the Reynolds numbers Reij=νijdi/νB, the friction coefficients λij=64/Reij, and the head losses for friction
at separate sections of the pipeline; the total head losses for friction hTj[cm]=Σi[hij], for the local path resistances hMj[cm]=Hj-hHj-hTj, and the total coefficients of head losses for local resistances - ξj=2ghMj/νHj2. The resulting tabular experimental flow characteristic of the path Qj=F(Hj) is divided into zones of turbulent, conditionally transitional, and conditionally laminar outflow modes by means of consistent comparative analysis of the numerical values of the standard deviation of points thereof and selection of the amounts of points Qj=1,2,…p (p≥6 in the upper area of the measuring range) and Qj=34,33,…q (q≥6 in the lower area of the range) with minimum values of the standard deviation from the graph of the approximating power function corresponding to said points.
EFFECT: increase in the accuracy and reliability of determining the calculated flow characteristic of a hydraulic tract in the transition area during transportation of liquid products of various viscosities through the path and possibility of predicting said characteristic when varying the preset range of changes in the flow and length of the pipeline sections forming the path.
2 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl