FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to construction, specifically to methods of constructing foundations for installations with dynamic loads, and is intended to provide vibration reliability of both existing and newly erected foundations, mainly light-ventilated foundations (LVF), including in permafrost soils (PFS), under water and in earthquake-prone areas. Method to increase dynamic rigidity of foundation includes compensation of foundation vibrations with equipment placed on it as source of dynamic loads by connection of concrete plate of specified dimensions separately on surface of soil by means of connecting complex, ensuring tight fit of the slab to the ground at possible vertical displacements of the slab relative to the foundation due to the connecting complex. Preliminary calculated amplitude-frequency characteristics of foundation-equipment system with dynamic effects on this system from equipment. Directions are selected and dynamic force is determined in horizontal plane in each direction, number of plates is selected based on the condition of counteraction to each dynamic effect, using at least one concrete plate for each direction. Connection system is made of elongated rod-shaped connector and plate-like horizontal elements on both sides of connector.
EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of vibration resistance of foundations, mainly LVF in a given frequency range.
13 cl, 10 dwg, 5 tbl