FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture and can be used for non-invasive detection of fungal diseases of plants in horticulture, in carrying out measures for their protection. In implementing the method, reactive resistance of vegetal tissue of a healthy strawberry leaf is measured on one plant at a fixed frequency ƒ0 located in the tissue bioimpedance α dispersion area and memorized it. Then reactive resistance of vegetal tissue is determined on diagnosed sheets of strawberry plants with suspected damage of leaf fungous disease at the same frequency ƒ0, and ratios of reactive resistance of the analyzed leaf to reactive resistance of healthy leaf (damage coefficients) – ki are determined. If the ratio ki≥1.1, it is considered that the this plant is exposed to a biostressor – a causative agent of fungal disease. If observing fungal diseases of wild strawberry, fixed frequency ƒ0 is selected within 800 to 1,200 Hz.
EFFECT: higher reliability of detection of fungal diseases of wild strawberries and reduction of costs for its implementation.
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